

How to Grow Garlic in Your Own Garden

For those that are into their garlic dishes - we certainly are - autumn is the time to get your garlic growing ready for harvest next summer. Believe it or not, garlic is actually very easy to grow and is resilient over the winter months. Garlic can be planted either in the ground, in trugs or in planters - it's not that fussy. As we are due to expand our vegetable patch this winter, we are putting our garlic into fabric pots. If you have not come across fabric pots yet, you are missing out. They save a ton of space over conventional pots and are much much better for the plants. These really are great and I am going to dedicate a post to them shortly....

Beautiful Blackberry Jam

How to make beautiful blackberry jam! This is a real treat. Now we are in the month of September, these berries are everywhere! Literally everywhere! And that is what I absolutely love about them. Even on a nice country walk as we go into the autumn, you can look over at the hedge rows and there they are - blackberries. This year, I let them go a little more crazy in the garden than I have done previously and I am absolutely delighted. My extra large crop this year could be to do with a swarm of bees that came to visit us earlier in the summer. Whilst we managed to get one of the local bee keepers to come and collect them, there were probably around 100...

Perfect Leg Of Lamb On The BBQ

There's nothing better than cooking a leg of lamb on the BBQ. Albeit a simple process, there is a certain amount of detail to consider. It's not your traditional BBQ. Here in Britiain, we often don't deviate much from cooking the staples on the BBQ. In some  circumstances, your BBQ won't permit you to cooking much else but there is certainly a whole new world that can be explored that will really get your taste buds going. And in all honesty, these type of recipes are easier than a traditional BBQ where you might end up with charcoaled food that not only isn't that nice to look at but also tastes more of the fuel used to cook it than the food itself. All of...

Get Ready to BBQ!

BBQ season is officially upon us. Here are a few things to consider this season to ensure that you have all you need to BBQ. So us British are somewhat fanatical are really quite mad when it comes to BBQs. It may be 16C with the slightest glimmer of a sun ray, and we pull out the BBQ with the rusting grills and give it a good scrub and clean so that we can spend time outdoors with sizzling food, sharing the experience with friends and family. What many fail to understand is that BBQing is really quite an art and by doing some really simple things, you can turn what could be construed as an average BBQ into something really quite special. Cleaning One thing that I...

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